So on the first I am kinda havinga soft relaunch of my Patreon. A simple $5 a month will give you access to my ongoing comics and art. First month I am making a Tangled the Series comic. Read down below for the story idea. Come on over and join the fun and help me make more! And if you are interested in my old artwork..which is very NSFW check out my store!
"Rapunzel has received a mysterious gift that contains a pair of black fetish heels. Confused on what this could mean curiosity takes a hold of her and she tries them on! Of course a perfect fit! But something happens to her physically and mentally as the shoes hug her bare feet. She changes into a busty, aggressive, sexy person who is craving lust with just about anyone! The kingdom goes wild with tales of the once shy and fun loving Rapunzel turning into a crazy sexual deviant!"